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Collection: Earrings by Awa

Ko Motatau te maunga
Ko Taikirua te Awa
Ko Ngāpuhi rāua ko Ngāti Hine ngā iwi
Ko Kawiti rātou ko Motatau, ko Te Rapunga ngā marae
Ko Ngatokimata whaorua te waka
Ko HMSS Monowai te waka
Ko Te Tarawa te hapu
Ko Bob rāua ko Hokimate ngā tupuna
Ko Manaia rāua ko Rex ngā matua
Ko Awatea tōku ingoa
No Masterton Au

Earrings by Awa came about from a desire to create something beautiful from leftover scraps of harakeke from my mum’s weaving. It was also a great way for me to earn a little $. At the moment I am concentrating on earrings, and am open to developing my range further in the future. You can find me on FB at ‘Earrings By Awa’
Ngā mihi 
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