Collection: Natures Therapeutics
Ko Ngāti Whātua me Ngāpuhi ngā iwi, ko Te Parawhau te hapū, Tangihua te maunga, ko Wairoa te awa, ko Tangiterōria te marae. Ko Natures Therapeutics Limited™ mātou, tetahi atu o ngā pākihi Māori kei te Tai Tokerau, no reira tēnā koutou katoa e te whare.
We are a Māori owned manufacturer of remedial and personal products based in Whangārei. All our products contain at least one of the following traditional plants used by Māori - Kawakawa, Kūmarahou or Mānuka. We are very serious about sustainability and therefore all our Kawakawa, Kūmarahou and Mānuka is sourced from controlled growing programs (not from the Ngahere)
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