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Rongoa 3 piece - Oil gift pack

Rongoa 3 piece - Oil gift pack

Te Ao Whetu Marama
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Bennefits of each Ronga:

#1 Rimu

Apply to skin for sore muscles, sores, mild burns, achy feet. Rimu oil is also used for mirimiri, the digestive area & supporting the blood to flow.

#2 Upoko

Organic handcrafted hair, scalp treatment product.

It helps moisturize hair also helps with hair growth.

Has anti-inflammatory properties to it, it can help get rid of your itchy, dry scalp and then keep your hair healthy. 

Anti-bacterial as well as antifungal properties in it, which can, of course, provide aid in dandruff and even scalp infections. 

With its rich mix of vitamins, minerals, moisture, helps protect moisture levels in dry hair.

#3 Manuka Panipani

Dry skin, mild burns, insect bites, eczema and skin rashes.

#4 Kopakopa Oil

Treatment for skin disorders, insect bites, stings, eczema, itchy skin, rashes, sprains & improving skin appearance.

#5 Totara oil 

Heals cuts, grazes, bruising and insect bites. Use product for Mirimiri/Massage

#6 Kawakawa Panipani

Apply to skin: Excellent healer for all skin ailments, eczema and itchy skin

#7 Tupakihi Panipani

Apply to sprains and sore muscles