New store, New look, New product and New suppliers brought to you by the InnoNative Economy.

Collection: Kaitu Arts

Ko Tawhitirahi te maunga
Ko Te Awapoka te awa
Ko Pārengarenga te moana
Ko Pōtahi te marae
Ko Waimirirangi te whare tupuna
Ko Mamari, ko Tinana ōku waka
Ko Ngāti Kuri, ko Te Aupouri, ko Te Rarawa, ko Ngai Takoto me Ngāti Kahu ōku iwi
Ko Kerewai Conrad tōku kuia, ko Pereniki Conrad tōku pāpā
Ko Rehupo rāua ko Paul Rule ōku mātua
Ko Tania Rule tōku ingoa
E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā karangaranga maha
E ngā manuhiri nō ngā hau e whā
E ngā manuhiri tuārangi
E te whānau
Tēnā koutou katoa
At the age of eight I was fortunate to have the art of Raranga handed down to me by my Nanny Kerewai Conrad. Over the years I have developed my own style while maintaining tikanga and honouring the values and skills that my Nanny instilled in me. Rāranga is my greatest passion.
I have a small business called Kaitu Arts.  I create taonga such as Kete, Pikau, Pōtae and Mahi toi, based in Whangarei.  Annually I attend the Waitangi Day celebrations market at Waitangi and the InnoNative market in October. I take a small amount of custom orders but i mostly like to focus on creating one-off taonga. When time allows, taonga will be available for purchase through the InnoNative store/online or via Kaitu Arts social media platforms.
Nā tō rourou nā tōku rourou ka ora ai te iwi
Hui e
Taiki e!
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