Collection: Poais Whakairo
Ko Motatau te maunga
Ko Ramarama me Taikerau nga awa
Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te waka
Ko Motatau te marae
Ko Manu Koriki te whae tupuna
Ko Mihiwira te whare kai
Ko Ngati Te Tarawa te hapu
Ko Ngatihine te iwi
Ko Waerenga te kainga
Ko Kawiti me Mataroria te tangata
Ko Sonny Poai Pakeha Niha tōku ingoa
I am a young carver I have trained under tohunga whakairo Wallace Hetaraka for over 8 years and still learning. Carving is a lifelong commitment and takes a life time to get to where I’d personally like to be. Although I am a learner I need to survive within the modern sense which is financial stability. I need the stability to allow me to carry on with my craft, deeper understanding on mahi taiao and discipline. I have been trained within a traditional context and owe it to my tohunga, my craft, myself and the countless hours we have spent to get me to where I am now by pricing my mahi accordingly. Integrity is a integral part of my craft and I practice this every day.
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