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Te ao whetu marama - Gift pack (Large)

Te ao whetu marama - Gift pack (Large)

Te Ao Whetu Marama
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Te ao whetu marama - Oil gift pack (Large)

#1 Tupakihi Panipani

Apply to sprains and sore muscles.

#2 Kawakawa Panipani

Apply to itchy skin.

#3 Manuka 

Dry skin, mild burns, insect bites, eczema and skin rashes.

#4 Kaikaro Makuku

Apply Rich Moisturiser for sunscreen, acne-fighting, dry damaged sensitive skin and aging skin. Supports eczema and itchy skin stress.

#5 Kiri Moana Bath Salts 

It improves well-being, eases stress, and relieves painful joints and muscles.

#6 Rosemary oil

Apply oil to skin or head. Use for insect bites, muscle and joint pain and hair growth.

#7 Handcrafted organic natural soaps