The Atua Wahine Collection is a collective of wahine Māori writers and their pieces, versions, stories of Atua Wahine from Papatūānuku to Hineahuone, all the way down to our grandmothers.
A self-published collection of writings on the atua wāhine by wāhine Māori across Aotearoa, and featuring a short opening by Dr Aroha Yates-Smith.
Contributors include Jessica Maclean, Ariana Sutton, Ataria Sharman, Cassie Hart, Ruby Solly, Nicole Titihuia Hawkins, Isla Martin, Ariana Sutton, Miriama Gemmell and Saskia Sassen.
Edited by Ataria Sharman, Cassie Hart, Stacey Teague, Sinead Overbye and Faith Wilson.